Leighann and Ben

Ben is the family Supermodel and we will soon have two with Leighann. Taking pictures of little brother -in-laws that are accident prone is tough, but I had a really good time. Ben only got a little hurt when he broke the tree rope while swinging out of a tree and landing on a bridge and then into the ditch. My shoots usually involve me getting hurt. Like bug bites, sitting on a patch of stickers. This time getting my flip-flops stuck in icy cold water and not being able to move because there was something sharp stuck in my foot. In the end its always worth the pain.

Danae and CJ

I had so much fun taking these and I have 200+ bug bites to prove it! I don't remember there being so many bugs on Antelope Island, but it was completely worth it! Danae and Cj would slap bugs in between shoots. It took a while to get all the pictures.

Danae and Cj



I shot this at Union Station in Ogden. They were having a Prom inside, so no pics in the main station part. I loved taking pictures with all of the big trains. Louise was so good to climb on trains or fountains or pillars. Not easy to do is such a pretty dress.